The benefits of clary sage essential oil
Clary sage is an antispasmodic, rich in antifungals and anti-infectives. It is the essential ally of women, it has a hormonal action, reduces premenstrual syndrome, decreases hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and anxiety in women in pre-menopause and menopause. It also regulates sebum secretion, regulates perspiration and helps tone the scalp. Clary sage essential oil is also relaxing and has neurotonic properties.
Clary Sage essential oil is mainly used by the skin in massage, in diluted form.
Period pain and premenstrual syndrome: 5 drops clary sage HE in 10 ml vegetable oil. Massage the belly clockwise in case of pain.
Hot flushes (caused by menopause): 5 drops clary sage HE in 2 tbsp. c. of vegetable oil. Massage the chest, stomach and arms when needed
Caution: It is important not to confuse Clary Sage with Sage officinalis, neurotoxic and abortifacient, unlike this species devoid of this toxicity.
Clary Sage essential oil is strictly contraindicated in cancerous, hormone-dependent pathologies, mastoses, fibroids.